2007 International Conference on Life System Modeling and
Simulation (LSMS) will be held on September 14-17, 2007 in Shanghai, China. A
young and well-respected conference, the Shanghai meeting will build on success
of LSMS2004, and offer an excellent forum for researchers and practitioners in
the field of life system modeling and simulation as well as
computational intelligence and applications from all over the world.
The conference will be organized by
The Shanghai University,
The Queen's University Belfast,
UK as well as The Life System Modeling and Simulation Special Interest
Committee of CASS. The theme for this conference is Emerging Biomedical
Engineering Technology and Bio-inspired Computing Technology.
Most accepted papers will be published in a supplement
issue of SCI-E indexed international journal, or in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science and
Lecture Notes in
Bioinformatics (EI and ISTP,
www.springer.com/lncs) under the authors' request. The other accepted high-quality papers will
be published in the special issues of several SCI/SCI-E indexed main-stream
international journals, such as Neurocomputing, Transactions of the Institute of
Measurement and Control, and Applied Mathematics and Computation, etc.
Organized by The Shanghai University, China, Queen's
University Belfast, UK, Life System Modeling and Simulation Special Interest
Committee of CASS. Sponsored by the Chinese Association for System Simulation
(CASS). |