Workshop on Intelligent System and Networked Control

Chair: Xingsheng Gu, Sean McLoone, Weiyan Hou, Qichun Zhang

Date: 14:00-18:00 PM, Sep. 24, 2017

Location: Room 2 (Amethyst Hall), XinDi Hotel


Time Title Speaker Affiliation


14:00 - 16:30 Necessary Communication Schemes in Networked Measurement and Control Systems Chen Peng Shanghai University
Edge Computing for the Next Generation Vehicular Networks Zhou Su Shanghai University
Neural-network-based tracking control of offshore steel jacket platforms Zhi-Hui Cai, Bao-Lin Zhang and Xian-Hu Yu China Jiliang University
Temperature and Humidity Compensation for MOS Gas Sensor Based on Random Forests Peng Xu, Kai Song, Yinsheng Chen, Qi Wang and Guo Wei Harbin Institute of Technology
Mean Squared Error vs. Frame Potential for Unsupervised Variable Selection Federico Zocco and Sean McLoone Queen's University Belfast
Data reconciliation based on an improved robust estimator and NT-MT for gross error detection Shengxi Wu, Jinmeng Xu, Wei Liu, Xiaoying Wu and Xingsheng Gu East China University of Science and Technology
Improved Artificial Weed Colonization Based Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm Ruochen Liu, Ruinan Wang, Guan Xia and Xiao Wang Xidian University

Coffee Break PART II

16:45 - 18:00 Modelling and Control Design for Membrane Potential Conduction along Nerve Fibre using B-spline Neural Network Qichun Zhang University of Essex
Design of Output Feedback Controller for Networked Control Systems with Delay and Packet Dropout Jun Xiang Dai, Ying Zhou and Chao Sun Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Orthogonal Matching Pursuit for Multilayer Perceptions Neural Networks Model Reduction Xiaoquan Tang, Xiaolin Wang and Long Zhang Shanghai Jiaotong University
Compressed Binary Discernibility Matrix Based Incremental Attribute Reduction Algorithm for Group Dynamic Data Fumin Ma, Mianwei Ding, Tengfei Zhang Nanjing University of Finance and Economics
Study of Perfusion Kinetics in Human Brain Tumor using Leaky Tracer Kinetic Model of DCE-MRI Data and CFD Ajay Bhandari, Ankit Bansal, Anup Singh and Niraj Sinha Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Full program

The full program of LSMS2017 & ICSEE2017 is available now.

Keynote Speech

LSMS2017 & ICSEE2017 hold keynote speeches.


Register and submit camera-ready to before 20th June 2017!
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