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LSMS 2007

International Conferences on Life System Modeling and Simulation &

Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment (LSMS’10 and ICSEE’10)

Wuxi, China, September 17-20, 2010

The LSMS'10 and ICSEE'10 conferences, has been successfully held in Wuxi, China from 17-20 September 2010, built upon the success of two previous LSMS conferences held in Shanghai in 2004 and 2007 and were based on Research Councils UK (RCUK) funded Sustainable Energy and Built Environment Science Bridge project. It offered an excellent forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of life system modeling and simulation as well as computational intelligence and applications from all over the world. The conferences are jointly organized by Shanghai University, Queen's University Belfast, Jiangnan University and the Life System Modeling and Simulation Technical Committee of CASS, together with the Embedded Instrument and System Technical Committee of China Instrument and Control Society. The conference program covered keynote addresses, special sessions, themed workshops and poster presentations, in addition to a series of social functions to enable networking and foster future research collaboration.

LSMS'10 and ICSEE'10 received over 800 paper submissions from 23 countries and regions. These papers went through a rigorous peer review procedure, including both pre-review and formal refereeing. Based on the review reports, the Program Committee finally selected 260 papers for presentation at the conference, from amongst which 195 were subsequently selected and recommended for publication by Springer in two volumes of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and one volume of Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI). 60 high-quality papers are recommended for publication in SCI indexed international journals.

A total of 255 delegates and participants from UK, Japan, Ireland, Singapore, Korea, US, Australia, Austria, Canada, Netherlands, Malaysia, Pakistan and so on 15 countries and regions attended the conference. All programs of the conference have been completely realized. 8 keynote speeches have been given by experts from UK, US, China, Netherland and Singapore. Delegates have presented their up to date researches in 32 oral sessions. It was pleased to see highly interactive discussions following each talk.

All in all the sessions have attracted a lot discussions and interests from delegates. The LSMS'10 and ICSEE'10 international conference has offered a unique platform for colleagues to share information and ideas, to exchange experiences and discussions. Moreover, many of the participants had a chance to meet face to face for the first time and exchange ideas on various topics in life system modeling and simulation. The variety in nationalities, organizations, and viewpoints has contributed to the richness of discussions, without restraining our efforts in achieving the common goals.