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LSMS 2007


1. Basic information

Area code: 0510

Zip code: 214000

Location: With Taihu Lake to the south and Yangtze River to the north, Wuxi is in the south of Jiangsu province, the central area of Yangtze Delta Region. The Beijing—Hangzhou Grand Canal runs right across the city. Zhejiang province and Anhui province are both to the south of Wuxi, while Changzhou is to its west and Suzhou to its east. It is 177 kilometers from Nanjing and 126 kilometers from Shanghai.

Area: 4650 square kilometers in total with urban area covering 1931 square kilometers

Population: 5.18 million

District division: two county-level cities: Jiangyin and Yixing; and seven districts: Chong’an, Nanchang, Beitang, Xishan, Huishan, Binhu and New District

City flower: azalea and plum blossom

2. Internal transportation


Common buses: RMB 1

Buses with air-conditioning: RMB 2

Notice: most of them are self-service ticketing.

Tips: transport card issued in Shanghai can enjoy the same preferential price as local card


Starting price: RMB 8 for the first three kilometers

Fuel surcharge: RMB 1

3. External transportation


Wuxi Shuofang Airport is 20 kilometers to the southeast of the downtown area. Inaugurated on February 18, 2004, it has had daily flight to Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Later, flights to Chengdu, Kunming and Haikou are also available. In recent days, airlines between Wuxi and Xiamen and Wuxi and Fuzhou are likely to be opened. In addition, other cities which set to open or add flights are Shenyang, Wuhan, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Direct route between Macau and Wuxi is also under discussion.

Wuxi—Shanghai Hongqiao Airport high-speed line (ticket price: RMB 70)

Wuxi: 7:00-16:00 (one regular run every one hour)

Hongqiao 10:30-20:15 (one regular run every one hour)

Station in Wuxi: No.29 station in Social Passenger Transport Center (No. 210 South Lane, Gaodun Bridge, 200 meters south of Wuxi Train Station)

Station in Wuxi: internal exit and entrance in Hongqiao International Airport


Wuxi is an important pivot of railway in south China. Shanghai-Nanjing Railway and Xinchang Railway join here. Almost all trains stop in Wuxi Station. Besides, Wuxi Station is the starting station of trains heading for Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Yichang, Nanning, Huaihua and Ningbo.


Wuxi is in the intersection of Jiangsu road network. Shanghai—Nanjing, Wuxi—Yixing and Wuxi—Yixing speed ways join here.

Jiangyin Bridge, also known as the No. 1 Bridge across Yangtze River, connects the south Yangtze River Region with cities in north Jiangsu province.

And there are three coach stations in Wuxi, as follows,

Most high-speed coaches are dispatched at Wuxi Coach Station as well as minibuses heading for Jiangyin, Changshu and Zhangjiang.

Address: No. 114, East Tonghui Road, to the west of Wuxi Train Station

Hotline: 0510-82304405

Wuxi Passenger Station is the starting station for ordinary coaches mainly to rural Wuxi, cities in north Jiangsu province, Nantang, Qiandao Lake and Wenzhou.

Hotline: 0510-82445489

Address: No. 2, Huiqin Road, to the north of Wuxi Train Station

Bus arriving there: W6、W 17、W26、W 31、W 33、W 208

Wuxi West Coach Station is the starting station for bus lines to Zhejiang and Anhui. There are 5 high-speed coaches to Shanghai, Nanjing and Nantong, 8 to Suzhou, 2 to Hefei and 3 to Wuhan. In addition, minibuses to Yixing, Jiangyin, Zhangjiagang, Changshu, Liyang, Lishui and Gaochun, are also available there.

Hotline: 0510-85802297

Address: No. 7, Liangqing Road

Bus arriving there: W20、W 820