Outline of the Session

Multiagent systems have gained increasing attention due to the fact that many effective applications of them have been found and deployed in a great number of areas, such as transportation, sensor networks, smart grids and robot systems and so on. It is true that coordination among subsystems in a multiagent system may result in higher performance, more efficiency and lower costs. With the rapid advances of high technologies, several issues on multiagent systems come to the fore. One of recent hot topics is called network attacks. If attackers want to destroy a multiagent system in stealthy ways, many issues are raised: How to make the subsystems be coordinated in the presence of network attacks? How to design effective protocols to counter such attacks such that several goals: formation, consensus, and optimization can be gained? Thus, the security-related issues of a multiagent system become an interesting topic. Addressing these issues both poses significant challenges and provides abundant research opportunities.
This session aims at presenting some new/recent developments in multiagent systems. We host original papers on theoretical analysis and applications of multiagent systems.

Topics of the Session

This special session welcomes wide variety of insights and ideas from various aspects in multiagent systems. Topics of interest are included but not limited to:
  • Consensus/coordination/formation of multiagent systems under attacks
  • Filtering/estimation of multiagent systems under attacks
  • Multi-robot systems
  • Multiagent complex systems
  • Delay effects on multiagent systems
  • Dynamical performance analysis/optimization of multiagent systems under attacks
  • Applications of multiagent systems
  • Event-triggered protocol design of multiagent systems
  • Motion control of marine vehicles

E-mail address:

Dr. Xian-Ming Zhang : xianmingzhang@swin.edu.au
Prof. Chen Peng : c.peng@i.shu.edu.cn
Prof. Yu-Long Wang : yulongwang@shu.edu.cn

Paper submission:

Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers before the submission deadline through the online submission system at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lsms2020icsee2020.Further, proposals for special sessions within the technical scopes of the conference are most welcome. Papers submitted for special sessions will be peer-reviewed with the same criteria as used with regular papers. A special session proposal should include the session title, a brief description, and the names, contact details and bio-sketch of the organizers.

See also the Author's kit for paper format.

Accepted papers will be published in the Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) proceedings (EI Compendex). Some high-quality papers will be recommended for possible publication in SCI indexed international journals after expansion and further review, such as Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (MPCE), Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control (TIMC), Enterprise information system (EIS), Energies, Cognitive Computation, Journal of Control and Decision, Advances in Manufacturing (AIM), etc.

Call For Papers

The CFP of
LSMS2020 & ICSEE2020.

Keynote Speech

LSMS2020 & ICSEE2020 hold keynote speeches.


Register and submit

Travel & Hotel

Information about travel and accommodation in Hangzhou