Special Sessions Special sessions and organizers: 1. The Applications of Big Data in Life Systems Organiser: Prof T. C. Yang, Unirersity of Sussex 2. Agent-based modelling and simulation for electric vehicles to analyze market response and consumer behaviors Organisers: Academician Yusheng Xue and Prof. Kang Li, Queen's University Belfast Descriptions: The market response and consumer behaviors of electric vehicles (EV) will be influenced by many factors such as vehicle performance, service environment and game decisions from different participants, including buyers, travelers, battery charging/swapping service providers, power grid operators and government policy makers, etc. Deeper researches on the influences of different factors and parameters on the EV industry not only require qualitative descriptions, but also the quantitative sensitivity analysis, as well as suitable simulation technologies and credible multi-agent models to mimic game behaviors. The topics of the seminar include variant realization and application technologies for simulation-based researches, and variant modelling methods of intelligent agents based on probability statistics, support vector machine (SVM), artificial intelligence, expert system, game theory and experimental economics, etc. 3. Intelligent sensing, instrument and system for industrial applications Organiser: HuaqiangTeng (Shanghai Instrument and Control Society, China) Descriptions: This special session aims to provide an opportunity to discuss their ideas and efforts in theories and practices on intelligentinstrument andsystems that can be applied to provide effective use and enhancements on industrial applications, as well as to give an opportunity to present state-of-the-art researches in the area. Possible main topics of interest include, but not limited to, implementation techniques for intelligent systems (knowledge-based systems, agent-based intelligent systems,Intelligent instrument, robotics, UAV, etc.), intelligent application integration and core-technologies (intelligent networked control systems,Image processing and pattern recognition, intelligent sensing, etc.) |